Black kids in the U.S. raised without their father in the house
Hispanic kids in the U.S. raised without their father in the house
White kids in the U.S. raised without their father in the house

Source: Family Structure and Children’s Living Arrangements 2012. Current Population Report. U.S. Census Bureau July 1, 2012.

This is Let DADS Be DAD

Helping fathers reunite & maintain positive relationships with their kids

Imagine communities where fathers who are unfairly kept from their kids, are able to connect with their beloved offspring. Such a transformative shift in family dynamics would undoubtedly strengthen the father-child bond, boost child developmental outcomes, and enhance overall family well-being. The advent of virtual visitation, co-parenting apps, and shared calendars has opened up a world of possibilities for fathers who are often overlooked in the family court system or seen as secondary caregivers in the traditional sense. Let's create a "now" where fathers have equal opportunities to parent and create meaningful experiences with their kids.

Our Vision

Strengthening family bonds while reducing stress for everyone involved by placing children’s best interests over their parents’ individual wants. We want to draw attention and support for good dads who want nothing more than to be actively involved in their children’s lives but face depressing challenges from the mothers and traditionally biased family court system.

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Help keep loving fathers in their children's lives

Family Conflict Resolution

We encourage couples to stay together if possible, but also recognize the need for peaceful co-parenting even in the event of a separation or divorce. Minimizing the short and long-term negative effects that adult situation has on the kids.

Child Custody & Financial Support

We assist with family court and child support matters. Our experts can guide you through the entire process, from calculating child support to understanding your rights as a parent. Contact us to make this process easier for you and your family.

Personal Developement

We prioritize the well-being of fathers for their own benefit and that of their families. When fathers are physically and emotionally healthy, they have more energy to enjoy their hobbies, fulfill responsibilities, and strengthen ties with their family and friends.

Case Studies

What family and childhood development specialists say

Featured video

Some kids are fatherless because their mother wants to prove a point


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Together, We Can Make A Difference

All children deserve to know they are loved and supported by BOTH ready, willing, and able parents.

Ex-couples with children generally come to agreeable terms. Unfortunately, many fathers are often put through severe unnecessary hardships in life by the mother of their kids. Often times making it literally impossible for them to play an active role in raising their kids. Leaving them feeling frustrated, angry, helpless, and leading to depression or worse scenarios.

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